Monday, November 21, 2005

Wearing The Colors!

Showing a little team spirit are more members of the Steelers Nation. Brent Bowman(Jamal) Baltimore, MD but originally from Cumberland, MD, Brian Koch(Big Ben) Wilmington, DE but originally from Greensburg,PA, and Brian's fiance Melissa(Troy) display their team colors prior to the game. Brent had a restless week. He knew that we all were getting together for a tailgate before the game and had ordered a Tim Worley throwback jersey just for the special occasion. The jersey did not arrive in time, hence the Jamal Lewis jersey. We will keep our eyes open in the upcoming weeks for a pic of Brent in the Worley jersey...

1 comment:

JD's Steelers Nation said...

John if it wasn't for you I may never have found my
twin brother thanks