Sunday, November 25, 2007

New Improvements To The Steelers Blog

I am in the mood to do a little house cleaning this morning.

I have recently added a slide show of pics from our "Stiller Nation". These pics were all either taken by myself or contributed from people on our e-mail list. I got a kick out of looking through some of the older pics. I hope you enjoy as well.

I have removed the link for the "Steelers Podcast" as it has been inactive for most of the season. They are currently having problems in finding a host to do the talk show, so I am going to remove the link until this is resolved. For those of you who were not using this link, let me just take a second to explain what it was all about. You could sync your Ipod with their Internet show and get free downloads where people discuss our Steelers and analyze past and upcoming games. It was pretty cool. For those of you needing a fix, you can do the same through the recently added "Steelers Live" link. You have to set up a free account, but you can have access to their bulletin/discussion boards and free Ipod downloads.

I have also added a link to the "Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Club Of Maryland" website. You can click below or on the link to the right to find the site:

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